Enact your most hopeful narratives across your organization.
Our best narratives inspire us, grounding us in possibility.
But when we’re up against overwhelming uncertainty, connecting to stories of hope can feel impossible.
StoryNova helps you and your team cut through the noise and lead from your deepest purpose once again.

Master Your Narrative
Before you can enact your story across the entire range of your activities, you first need to identify and structure your organization's core narrative. Find out why a story audit or story consultation is the place to start.
Develop Your Leaders
Once you have your core narrative, it's time to build confident leaders. One-to-one coaching helps your leaders articulate a vision of hope, energize their collaborators, and embrace their authentic role in your organization.
Teach Your People
With your leaders on board, it's time to spread the power of storytelling to the rest of your team. Our custom-tailored workshops improve individual and collective storytelling and align everyone behind a common purpose.
Gone are the days when storytelling was the domain of the marketing department. Today it’s everybody’s job. You and your team are on the front lines of this transition. It’s time to boost your narrative intelligence.

Dior • Disneyland Paris • Euronext • Sodern • Lighthouse • GRDF • Sopra Steria • Servier • Pôle Emploi • Enedis • Treexor • FretX • NUMA • YouTube Impact Lab • Lab Pareto • Oui je me lance • Learn Do Share • Collective Future
Our clients mean business. Do you?
From executives and startup founders to non-profit leaders and creative professionals, our clients connect vision, purpose, and people through stories of possibility.